Selected Works
Mapping Isis
Role: Web Developer – Created custom WordPress theme, templates and integrated back end CMS controls. PHP, HTML, CSS & Javascript aims to provide a visual, cartographic history of the rise, conquests, dissemination of global affiliates, spread of terror attacks, and retreat of the ISIS Caliphate. Our mission is to provide the public with up-to-date cartographic “snapshots” of both historical events going back to the emergence of ISIS out of the Iraqi insurgency and current events as they unfold in real time. We will include subheadings to our maps that explain the specificities of every given historical map image and contextualize it. Our ultimate aim is to provide a means for understanding the ISIS phenomenon in lands that are terra incognita to many. In the process we aim to provide both a bird’s eye, macro overview of ISIS inkblot expansion and retreat that maps out both large events—such the ISIS conquest of Mosul and northern Iraq—and small more detailed granularity in the form of micro maps focused on specific events—like the ambush of U.S. Green Beret Special Forces in Niger. Our site is still under construction as we are currently creating our map data base. We aim to have it gradually fill out with dozens of maps in coming months, please check back in for future maps and explanations.
Walmart Field App
password protected website
Role: Front end web developer – created page layouts and styling for web app created in the .Net framework.
The Walmart Field App is used by Walmart executives to make decisions about where to lease warehouse space to facilitate seasonal inventory flow or store goods during store renovations. This app is used Nation wide to mange warehouse storage for Walmart’s network of 4,117 stores. It’s user interface allow Walmart executives to see all of the current leases that need to be addressed and allows users to see a page with detailed information about each deal. Included all potential warehouse leasing options and a map displaying store locations and available warehouses in the vicinity.
Payson Smith Holbrook
Role: Graphic / Web Design + Web Development: Developed new website along with refreshed brand image for Payson Smith Holbrook. Custom WordPress theme, HTML, CSS, Javascript
In 2014 Payson Smith Holbrook wanted to modernize and refresh their web presence. This custom WordPress website was created to convey their standing as a leader in commercial real estate.
Horst Buchanan
Role: Graphic Designer, Web Developer, Photography. Developed new brand image, created custom WordPress website & provided architectural photography services. Custom WordPress Theme, PHP, HTML CSS & Javascript
In 2016 Horst Buchana approached me wanting a complete refresh of the website and brand identity. The project began with a logo redesign followed by a complete website overhaul. The final product is a custom WordPress theme along with a customized backed end CMS for easy editing and updating. In addition to redesigning their website and logo I also had the opportunity to employ my architectural photography skills to photograph nine of the projects featured on the updated website.
Demakis Family Realestate
Role: Web Design & Development + Photography. Created and maintain custom Real Estate website bassed on existing branding standards. In addition to developing and design website I provide all photography services for Demakis Family Realestate. Custom WordPress Theme, PHP, HTML CSS & Javascript
Launched in 2018 is a fully featured customized real estate website built with WordPress. The site also features functionally that pulls live listing data from the national real estate MLS database, allowing customers to brows for website listed by other brokers.
Encompass Community
Role: Web design & Development. Custom WordPress Theme, PHP, HTML CSS & Javascript
Stefura Associates
Role: Web design & Development. Created and maintain custom WordPress Theme along with customized backed CMS to facility easy website maintenance and project publicaiton. PHP, HTML CSS & Javascript.
Stefura, a Boston bassed Woman owned and operated Interior design firm, originally approached me in 2011 wanting to crate an updated and responsive website that utilized the WordPress framework. Since then the site has gone through several iterations and refinements to bring it to its current from.
Course websites
See CV for full list
Role: Professor, Designer & Web developer. Custom made WordPress themes, for use as course companion web sites. PHP, HMTL, CSS & Javascript.
As a practicing web designer and developer, I have a unique opportunity to create a customized websites that fully integrate into my curriculum structure for each course. This allows me to disseminate information and assignment to my students with complete control over their visual appearance, something which I find to be an essential component of the learning exercise when studying Graphic Design.
Harper Bow Co.
Role Web designer / developer, e-commerce consultant strategist.
Harper Bow Co. approached me, wanting to move their business online. This small scale local business had become tired of the tedious process of writing and fulfilling invoice manually by hand in a word processor. I provided them with guidance in moving into the e-commerce market place and crated a fully customized website using the WooCommerce platform.
Star Trac
Project Archived
Role: Graphic Design, created page layouts in Photoshop
Created while I was employed at Fuse interactive I leveraged photography shot by Tim Tadder and designed visual layout in Photoshop, for the Star Trac expect different micro site campaign.
Project Archived
Role: Graphic Design, created page layouts in Photoshop
Created while I was employed at Fuse interactive I created product page layouts for in Photoshop.