Courses I’m teaching this semester:
Intro to Graphic Design
Other courses I’ve taught
Web Design
Intro to Graphic Design
Web Development
Package Design
History of Graphic Design
A daily dispatch of recommended fonts, typography techniques, and inspirational examples of digital type at work in the real world.
Fonts in Use
Real fonts spotted in the wild plus articles and commentary by some very nerdy folks.
The International Association of Master Penmen, Engrossers, and Teachers of Handwriting
- I Love Typography
- ILT Book Recommendations
- Ministry of Type
- MyFonts’s Newsletters
- Typography Resources for Printing
Nice Web Type
A place for web typography experiments and reading about advancements and best practices in typesetting web text, handcrafted by Tim Brown.
- TDC Book Recommendations
Type Directors Club
Promoting excellence in typography for over 65 years. The TDC offers excellent type related events, educational workshops, and a beautiful annual.
- Typedia
Stephen Coles’ outstanding blog of type reviews, books and commentary.
Web Typography
Bringhurst’s Elements of Typographic Style applied to the web.
Wood Typer
Nick Sherman’s notes on large and ornamented type and related matters.
All About Fonts and Typography in Printing
A historical overview of fonts and typography in printing
Web Design
A List Apart
A wonderful site covering all things relating to the web with well-written articles by the field’s top practitioners.
- Computer Science Education Resource Guide
- Codecademy
- Code Academy
- CSS Tricks
Chris Coyier’s excellent and extremely helpful site with articles, code snippets, and other goodies.
Don’t Fear the Internet
A site created by Jessica Hische & Russ Maschmeyer to teach basic HTML and CSS to Non-Web Designers.
Method and Craft
Web-centric interviews and articles “exploring the creative mind and beauty within each pixel.”
A resource for semantic HTML in general and microformats.
Mozilla Developers Network
An open community of developers building resources for a better web, regardless of brand, browser or platform. Top online documentation for HTML, CSS, JS, DOM.
Pure web candy.
WordPress Codex
A massive site full of articles and forums as well as extensive documentation of all Wordpress features that is relatively easy to read and learn from.
Web Design news and information since 1995.