Courses I’m teaching this semester:

Intro to Graphic Design


Other courses I’ve taught

Web Design

Intro to Graphic Design

Web Development

Package Design

History of Graphic Design



Web Design

  • A List Apart

    A wonderful site covering all things relating to the web with well-written articles by the field’s top practitioners.

  • Computer Science Education Resource Guide
  • Codecademy
  • Code Academy
  • CSS Tricks

    Chris Coyier’s excellent and extremely helpful site with articles, code snippets, and other goodies.

  • Don’t Fear the Internet

    A site created by Jessica Hische & Russ Maschmeyer to teach basic HTML and CSS to Non-Web Designers.

  • Method and Craft

    Web-centric interviews and articles “exploring the creative mind and beauty within each pixel.”

  • Microformats

    A resource for semantic HTML in general and microformats.

  • Mozilla Developers Network

    An open community of developers building resources for a better web, regardless of brand, browser or platform. Top online documentation for HTML, CSS, JS, DOM.

  • Awwwards

    Pure web candy.

  • WordPress Codex

    A massive site full of articles and forums as well as extensive documentation of all Wordpress features that is relatively easy to read and learn from.

  • Zeldman

    Web Design news and information since 1995.